Lynne is a marine scientist by training, a writer by passion, and a curmudgeon by nature. An Olympic-caliber procrastinator, she honed her skill through years of practice and dedication to life on island-time. She uses her experiences living in the Caribbean to infuse her novels with tropical magic, from the siren call of the islands to the terror and hysteria caused by the mysterious chupacabra.
Her short stories and essays have appeared in The Constellation International Literary Review, Skylines, The Petigru Review, Infective Ink, Two Hawks Quarterly, and other print and online publications. Lynne's novels include Marina Melee, Ye Gods! A Tale of Dogs and Demons, and The Un-Familiar: A Tale of Cats and Gods. Look for them at her publisher's website (Casperian Books), at your local independent bookseller (find them at IndieBound), and on Amazon, Smashwords, or other online booksellers.
When not busy writing or procrastinating, Lynne teaches biology at Trident Technical College and University of Maryland-Global Campus. She lives in Charleston, SC with her husband, cat, and two dogs.
While Lynne rarely updates her blog (too busy procrastinating), you can always stop in HERE to see if she has. You never know.